Sunday 18 July 2010

Giant's Causeway

Legend has it that the Irish warrior Fionn mac Cumhaill (Finn McCool) built the causeway to walk to Scotland to fight his Scottish counterpart Benandonner, and that Benandonner ripped the Causeway up, so as not to be followed home again by Fionn.
The Causeway legend corresponds with geological history in as much as there are similar basalt formations (a part of the same ancient lava flow) at the site of Fingal's Cave on the isle of Staffa in Scotland.

Now, I wasn't doing anything quite so interesting as warring with Giants, but the Causeway is a rather nice day out!
(Although, I'd advise you to go DOWN the Shepard's Steps, not UP them! )

Having only been out of hospital for less than 24 hours, I think I did rather well cavorting about the lovely basalt structure.

Must dash!

Sunday 30 May 2010

The Red Hand

It's been a while since I updated my blog, and I do apologise.
However, I've been rather busy!
This week we've been taking advantage of the nice weather and taking the Mother-In-Law's garden to pieces.
However, this may have been a mistake, as after taming the jungle to start from stratch, the grass seed doesnt seem to have taken at all, resulting in a rather bald looking front yard. Oh dear. We'll try again soon.
We also painted and papered the M-I-L's bedroom and lounge... my shoulders have never felt so much pain in my life!
However, the ample amounts of wine and sunshine made it slightly more bearable, as you can imagine.
Some of you might be wondering what on earth all this has got to do with red hands. And surprisingly, it's nothing to do with red paint, as you might imagine.
Do bear with me though, as the explaination is on its way.
So anyway, one of the three Brother-In-Laws came to visit yesterday, with his fiancee and child.
It was a rather pleasant day filled with the joys of various wines, beers and spirits, and alongside good company the bad weather hardly mattered at all.
However I got the absolute shock of my life when said Brother-In-Law unexpectedly slapped me with great force on the back!
He then went on to proclaim, whilst I was fighting the urge to smack him in the mouth, that I'd begun my "induction", and recieved my first Red Hand of Ulster.
And indeed, I had.... upon lifting my shirt I discovered a perfectly formed, lovely red handprint.
I must say, I was not impressed, and he recieved a swift "Red Hand" to the thigh. Git.
Other than that, my life has been rather dull, dear readers.
I'll add some pictures of my surroundings for you soon, as I'll be creating a new Flickr account for the purpose, methinks.
Or I might just directly upload them.
Either way, you'll find out soon enough.

Friday 14 May 2010


I apologise in advance for the amount of video posts that are likely to be immenent as I explore my new surroundings.

Just think of them as little insights into my world :]

Well, today, I witnessesed my first ever Band Parade.

I was blown away by the masses of pride and faith these people have in their beliefs and morals.

Enjoy - I did.

Saturday 8 May 2010

The Return to Innocence

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence

Love, devotion
Feeling, emotion
Love, devotion
Feeling, emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart, my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself, don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence

Don't care what people say
Follow just your own way
Don't give up, don't give up
To return, to return to innocence

If you want, then laugh
If you must, then cry
Be yourself, don't hide
Just believe in destiny.

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Today we had the delights of taking out our little nephew.
He's just turned seven years old, and thinks he's Spiderman :D

We went video game shopping, followed by toy shopping.
We then went and filled him full of fast food and set him running up and down escalators, and in and out of lifts. The joy of the shoppers :P

I made the mistake of racing him to the lift, with my pockets full of stuff.
My back of my phone is now broken, having bounced out onto the floor and being stepped on.

Also, getting a hyperactive seven year old who is full of Burger King additives to sit still while you have an eyetest is impossible.
And I mean, without making him sniff a rag covered in choloroform, it is just not going to happen.

He's now playing his (12, 15 & 18+ rated) video games online, and verbally abusing people via a headset.
He has to be home at 9 o'clock.... thank goodness we can give him back.

Don't get me wrong, I've thoroughly enjoyed the day, I'm just so tired now!

50 minutes and counting.....
Goodnight Vietnam!

Monday 3 May 2010

Trivialities and Troubles.

Well, lately things haven't been perfect.
Rows with family, fall-outs with friends....

It has indeed been a "Turbulent Time".
Although, I doubt it is worth the title of a tantalizing tale.... it's more just idle bits of gossip more than anything else.

I've missed the Llandudno Victorian Extravaganza this weekend - I was quite disappointed to be honest, as I've never missed one before.
In the last 19 years of my life, I've been at every parade and/or fairground attraction involved in the Extravaganza.

I don't know what it is about this whole affair that entices me so much... Most people say it's a pile of rubbish.

I, however, think it's an opportunity to just go and let your hair down, and have fun!

I love the smell of the town when the Extravaganza is on, too... it smells like the old engine oil and smoke, and like the machines turning to operate the rides.

The noise and hustle-bustle is nothing to me... I weave in and out of the packed tourists like it's nothing, I've done it for so many years now that it's just natural.

I love to watch the talented people in the main arena, like Roslyn Walker and Chris Williams, who always look like they're having so much fun!

I also love spending time with the Stiltmania/AfterGlow Circus Crew too, doing poi and whatnot, teaching and being taught, and generally having a whole bundle of fun and laughs!

(Don't worry, all those links are mine, and safe :] )

But anyway, enough of all that gushyness.

We had a new addition to the family a few weeks ago: A Columbian Black and White Tegu called Indie - after Indiana Jones, of course :]

Isn't he lovely? :) He's only 8 months old, but whe he grows up he'll be about 3 and a half feet long, and rather wide, too! (You could always Google it if you feel the need to find out more about our new baby :D )
Anyway, I have food that is burning as I type, so for now, I will say "Adieu".
Take Care, Mon Amie.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Entrance Of The Gladiators...

Today I went to the circus :]
Which generally made me a very happy bunny.

Although, I did wonder about the welfare of the tigers, to be honest. They didn't look "happy".
Although, who am I to say what "happy" tigers look like! Haha!

I got quite reflective on my close call with my calling, as it were.
I guess it's called "what if-ing".
What would I be doing now if I hadn't met the man of my dreams? Would I be sitting in the big-top?
I'll never know.

But to be honest... he's so worth it.