Monday 3 May 2010

Trivialities and Troubles.

Well, lately things haven't been perfect.
Rows with family, fall-outs with friends....

It has indeed been a "Turbulent Time".
Although, I doubt it is worth the title of a tantalizing tale.... it's more just idle bits of gossip more than anything else.

I've missed the Llandudno Victorian Extravaganza this weekend - I was quite disappointed to be honest, as I've never missed one before.
In the last 19 years of my life, I've been at every parade and/or fairground attraction involved in the Extravaganza.

I don't know what it is about this whole affair that entices me so much... Most people say it's a pile of rubbish.

I, however, think it's an opportunity to just go and let your hair down, and have fun!

I love the smell of the town when the Extravaganza is on, too... it smells like the old engine oil and smoke, and like the machines turning to operate the rides.

The noise and hustle-bustle is nothing to me... I weave in and out of the packed tourists like it's nothing, I've done it for so many years now that it's just natural.

I love to watch the talented people in the main arena, like Roslyn Walker and Chris Williams, who always look like they're having so much fun!

I also love spending time with the Stiltmania/AfterGlow Circus Crew too, doing poi and whatnot, teaching and being taught, and generally having a whole bundle of fun and laughs!

(Don't worry, all those links are mine, and safe :] )

But anyway, enough of all that gushyness.

We had a new addition to the family a few weeks ago: A Columbian Black and White Tegu called Indie - after Indiana Jones, of course :]

Isn't he lovely? :) He's only 8 months old, but whe he grows up he'll be about 3 and a half feet long, and rather wide, too! (You could always Google it if you feel the need to find out more about our new baby :D )
Anyway, I have food that is burning as I type, so for now, I will say "Adieu".
Take Care, Mon Amie.

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